So the illness that was sweeping through here a month ago, that we thought was going way – didn’t.
But NOW it looks like it has.
So we’re keeping our fingers crossed that we can actually resume some of our non-crucial duties, like updating this blog
And here goes, with the latest titles at Smoking Flicks since we last posted.
Another couple of weeks, another large group of new titles available for steaming or high-quality download at Smoking Flicks:
We have two brand-new releases from Bob’s Videos: “Dazed by the Smoke” and “Inhaling Brenda.” We also have two older releases, “Hot Smokey Mouths 5″ and “Natural Light.”
From CoherentLight, “Megan,” “White Smoke and Kisses,” “Ladysmoker’s 164s” and “Ashtray Boy.”
And we also have Smoking Erotica Volumes 9, 11, 12 and 13.
Hope you’ll come by and check them all out